The IRS Fetish
I thought of this upon hearing comedienne Sarah Silverman talking on NPR's Fresh Air show. "My dad raised us to respect taxes and know that its an honor to pay taxes. And it goes to people who need it, and highways, and schools, and that's what makes our country great, and the more successful you are the more you can put into the ante..into the help make our local communities and our bigger communities great." This is a new thing among Democrats, this tender soft-spot for taxes--taxes for their own sake, ignoring any specific program--because we're suppose to accept that the programs receiving the dollars are worthwhile without consideration. I've recently heard Chris Hardwick, Jon Stewart, and David Letterman apologize for making jokes at expense of the IRS. The IRS! To be frank, there's something unAmerican about that, and I don't use that word lightly as does Harry, Reid , Nancy Pelosi , Dick Durban , and Barack Obama . The sh...